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Club Penguin History

Before Club Penguin was made, their was a game called Penguin Chat made by Rsnail. Penguin Chat is dangerously similar to Club Penguin, but was made before it. (Penguin Chat 2000 – 2005)

Then in 2005, Rsnail and others teamed together and created Club Penguin. Here’s a list of events from the start of Club Penguin.

Beta Test Party (2005) – The first Club Penguin party was launched for 2 hours in October of 2005. Beta hats were given out for penguins who beta tested Club Penguin.

Halloween Party (2005) – The first Halloween Party took place.

Server Testing (2005) – Club Penguin’s first server testing. The pink and black toques were given out during this server testing.

Christmas Party (2005) – Club Penguin’s first 
Christmas party.

Winter Luau Party (2005) – Club Penguin’s first 2006 party. Red lea’s were given out to every penguin.

Valentines Day Party (2006) – Happy Valentine’s Day to all penguins on Club Penguin.

Pizza Parlor Opening Party (2006) – Grand opening of the Pizza Parlor in Club Penguin.

April Fools Day Party (2006) – Lots of weird things happened at this party. Things were changed, and moved around Club Penguin.

Easter Egg Hunt (2006) – Penguins has fun searching for Easter eggs on Club Penguin. Pink bunny ears were given out to penguins who completed the egg hunt.

Cave Opening Party (2006) - The Cave on Club Penguin was opened to all penguins on May 21st.

Summer Party (2006) – Club Penguin’s first summer party took place. Free yellow duckies were given out to penguins on Club Penguin.

Western Party (2006) – The Western Party took place on Club Penguin.

Band Instrument Hunt (2006) - Penguins helped the Club Penguin band find their instruments.

Sports Party (2006) – Club Penguin had a sports 
party for all you sports fans.

Lightbulb Scavenger Hunt (2006) – The lightbulb for the Light House went missing, and Club Penguin needed you to find the bulbs.

Lighthouse Grand Opening Party (2006) – The Lighthouse had its grand opening, and free hats were given out. You could get the Lighthouse shirt by making a donation of 750 coins.

One Year Anniversary Party (2006) – Club Penguin turned one.

Halloween Party (2006) – Club Penguin celebrates Halloween.

Lime Green Color Party (2006) – Club Penguin celebrates the release of a new color.

Christmas Party (2006) – A huge snow storm rains down tons of snow, leaving Club Penguin in a blanket of snow. Free Santa hats and beards were given away.

Winter Fiesta Party (2007) – The first winter fiesta party in Club Penguin.

Festival of Snow (2007) – Club Penguin had ice sculptures all around Club Penguin. Free ice crowns and snow shirts were given out.

Saint Patrick’s Day Party (2007) – Club Penguin throws a party for St. Patrick’s Day. Free hats are given to all penguins.
April Fools Day Party (2007) – Club Penguin 
played tricks, and put boxes all over the island.

Easter Egg Hunt (2007) – Club Penguin celebrates Easter, and had an egg hunt.

Pirate Party (2007) – Rockhopper comes and parties with penguins on Club Penguin.

Summer Kickoff Party (2007) – Club Penguin had a summer kickoff party. Free life preservers were given out and the Cove opened for members.

Summer Party (2007) – Club Penguin throws a summer party. Ice cream aprons and green sunglasses are given away free.

Water Party (2007) – The mine on Club Penguin floods, so Club Penguin decides to throw a water party to drain out the water in the mine.

Camping Party (2007) – Club Penguin has a camping party for it’s fellow campers.

Club Penguin’s 100th Newspaper Party (2007) - Club Penguin celebrates for the 100th issue of the Club Penguin Times newspaper.

Fall Fair (2007) – Club Penguin throws a Fall Fair. Penguins earned tickets and then cashed them in for cool prizes.

Second Year Anniversary Party (2007) – Club Penguin turns two.

Halloween Party (2007) – Club Penguin throws a spooky Halloween party.

Western Party (2007) – Club Penguin throws a western styled party.

Coins for Change (2007) – Penguins donated their coins to kids who needed help.

Christmas Party (2007) – Club Penguin celebrates Christmas. Christmas scarfs, santa hats, and bells were given out for free.

Winter Fiesta Party (2008) – Club Penguin throws a winter fiesta party.

Underwater Party (2008) – Club Penguin had an underground water party.
Saint Patrick’s Day Party (2008) – Club Penguin celebrates St. Patrick’s Day.

Easter Egg Hunt (2008) - Club Penguin celebrates Easter and hides eggs for penguins to find.

April Fools Day Party (2008) – Club Penguin plays April Fool’s day tricks.

Pirate Party (2008) – Rockhopper parties with penguins on Club Penguin.
Pirate town close.jpg
Medieval Party (2008) – Club Penguin throws its first Medieval party.

Water Party (2008) - Club Penguin throws a water party to keep cool from the hot sunny weather.
The Nightclub
Music Jam (2008) – Club Penguin throws a music jam party, and played all kinds of music. Penguins got a chance to meet the Club Penguin band.

Paper Boats Hunt Scavenger Hunt (2008) – Club Penguin hides paper boats for us to find.

Penguin Games (2008) – Penguins play games to earn a gold medal.
Fall Fair (2008) – Club Penguin throws a Fall Fair party. Penguins earned tickets to buy cool prizes.

Third Year Anniversary Party (2008) – Club Penguin turns three.

Halloween Party (2008) – Club Penguin celebrates Halloween and has a candy hunt.

Dojo Grand Re-Opening Party (2008) – Club Penguin re-opens the Dojo and releases a new game called Card-Jitsu.

Coins for Change (2008) – Penguins donated their coins to help kids around the world.

Christmas Party (2008) – Club Penguin celebrates Christmas with its fellow penguins. Free bells, santa hats, and beards are given away for free.