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WARNING! King55614 and Gillans CP Blog is Copyrite!. This means you CANNOT take any pictures without permission! . If you see a picture you like ask for permission then credit my site with a clickable link to it. We will do the same for you

Monday, February 28, 2011

System defender - Klutzy level bug

Hello guys!
When i went to play the klutzy level in system defender the ultimate protobot showed up instead check it out!
I hope club penguin fixes this very soon because this is getting rather annoying. What do you think? comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New club penguin mascot PH The puffle trainer???

Hello penguins!
as i looked through the paper i saw a penguin never seen before. Check it out
This reminds me of PH The puffle trainer from club penguin elite force ds game. Comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to enter the puffle show room as a non-member (Glitch)

Hey guys!
have you wanted to enter the puffle act as a non-member?. Well you can.Just follow these steps.

Step 2 Log into your desired non-member penguin
Step 3 Choose a server you wish
If you do this correctly you should end up being inside the puffle act room
Comment and tell me what you think.

How to enter the nightclub rooftop as a non-member (Glitch)

Hello penguins
Have you ever wanted to enter the nightclub roof and meet cadence? Well nows the time. Follow these steps

Step 2. Log into your desired non-member penguin
Step 3. Choose a server
If you have done this correctly you will end up in the nightclub rooftop
Comment and tell me what you think of the glitch and if you have met cadence yet.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Puffle party is here!

Hello guys!
The puffle party has arrived and check out the decorated rooms!

Dance lounge
Nightclub rooftop
Snow forts
Pet shop
The underground
Ice berg
Ski village
Box dimension
Puffle show

My favourit room of the puffle party is the mine. Whats your's? comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Puffle party sneek peek

Hello guys!
As i checked out the whats new blog i came across a sneek peek of the puffle party. Check it out!
This picture looks like the nightclub rooftop. What do you think? comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Exclusive Sneek peek of puffle party free item

Hello penguins 
When i was browsing the membership page i found a exclusive free item that will be at the puffle party look
Comment and tell me what you think of it.
-King55614 and Gillan

Construction of Puffle Party Starts

Hello penguins
The puffle party is just around the corner and the construction of it has started. Check out the rooms!

Dance club
Dance lounge
Box dimension

The Puffle party starts on the 18th February. Are you looking forward to it? comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Friday, February 11, 2011

Exclusive New online game coming to club penguin

Hello penguins 
As i as checking my inbox i saw that club penguin team has sent me and email/Parent update about Coins for change, Being safe online and a exclusive sneek peek of a new game look!

Heres the email they sent me
And the sneek peek of the new game "Puffle Launch"
Exclusive Sneak Peek!
As club penguin say the Puffle launch isn't expected until March. Ill have more info for you in march.
-King55614 and Gillan

NEW Better igloos and igloo upgrades catalog

Hello penguins

Club penguin has released a new better igloos and igloo upgrades catalog today. Here it is
You can now create new furniture
Now for the secrets

To find the red puffle poster 

Step 1 Go to the first page of the catalog

Step 2 Click on the "P"
To Find the blue puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "i"
To find the black puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "c"
To find the purple puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "t"
To find the pink puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "u"
To find the white puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "r"
To find the yellow puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page

Step 2 Click on the "e"
To find the green puffle poster

Step 1 Stay on the first page 

Step 2 Click on the "s"
Hmm... a bit of a bummer this catalog don't you think?

Now for the newest igloo thats never been in club penguin before at an attractive price. The In Half Igloo
So i don't mind the igloo upgrades. Its the better igloos thats the bummer. What did you think? comment and let me know.
-King55614 and Gillan

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Club Penguin log in bug

Hey guys!
Ive found another bug but this time this one involves logging in take a look!
Wow! club penguin sure have allot of bugs around at the moment
-King55614 and Gillan

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Whats coming up in February?

Hello Penguins! 

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's post. We love how excited you are to make a difference in the world. Keep it up! 

Last month, we showed you some surprises we were working on. We've seen a lot of brown puffles walking around the island since then... And there's a lot more coming up for puffles in February and March! 

Here's a sneak peek at a few things you'll see soon: 


Plus, here are some things to look out for this month: 
* The big Puffle Party, starting Feb.18
* Brown puffles for adoption at the Pet Shop
* The return of the Haunting of the Viking Opera at the Stage (with the pin YOU picked!) 

We'll have lots more for you in the next few weeks, so stay tuned to the blog for more info. 

What are you most looking forward to in February? What do you think the pictures are? As always, we want to hear from you - so leave us a comment!

-King55614 and Gillan