I found a yummy pizza
When i went to the ice berg it was cracking
When i went into my igloo a strange box appeared
Im being sqwashed by a till stand
Help me! im burning!
Transfering information from the EPF Command room
The EPF camera was spying on me
The EPF Camera was punished by a snowball
I told the crab not to tap the glass
Theres nothing written in the book at the pizza parlour
Don't shine that lamp in my face
I was looking forward to my swim at the cove and guess what no
Wow the night club speakers are really loud!
Are those clothes free? they've been there for a very long time
I accidently wet my self on club penguin
I dropped my guitar again
It seems that cadence left her headphones after she was playing DJ3K
I found some treasure that must have come of rockhoppers ship.I decided to have it
Ive always wanted club penguin to flood
This is not a real ban its an edited one
If you annoy me ill annoy you!(Edit)
Should i accept the fight with billybob or not?(Edit)
Did someone really tip the iceberg?(Edit)
3 selections huh? id select continue getting coins =) (Edit)
At least i don't smell that bad unlike you Billybob(Edit)
Is billybob really that stupid?(Edit)
King55614 is a moderator. This is an edit
That green puffle escaped from the nightclub. I told him to go back
I think this puffle has been kidnapped
Yeah yeah what ever!(Edit)
O.O A moderator invertation cool!(Edit)
Whoa! i found my lost long brother!
Yay! free coins
FAKE FAKE! Your not the real santa!
Cheap people these days...
Who would do such a thing to those poor puffles?
Sensei really out did it this time...
All my stockings have only one candy cane!
Sombody changed my name weired huh? (Edit)
Santa's going to be very mad at me
These presents don't have names on. So i decided to take them
Rockhopper stole all my christmas presents!
Theres no way Rockhopper would have put that star up!
Dose G really nag that much?(Edit)
I thew a coin at Billybob lol (Edit)
Sensei needs potty training (Edit)
Look closely. Everyone's wondering what is in those mine carts
Look's like Club Penguin is giving away free TV'S now =D
I don't have any problem while eating all the popcorn...
When i tried playing card jitsu with him.This came up (Edit)
I didnt know there were peanuts on club penguin
I thought it was my peanut?
I sometimes like to annoy the penguins at the finish line of a sled race (Edit)
NEW! Rockhoppers ship is missing
NEW King55614 is about to jump of the night club
NEW I scare people with my outfits
NEW! King55614 is throwing snowballs at puffles
NEW! King55614s wallet was stolen in the ball pit and he doesn't know who it was.
NEW! That yellow puffle was giving me an angry look for shouting at the puffle that was painting.
NEW! I dont understand what your saying.
NEW! I was bored so i decided to push that puffle off
Jumping is so much fun!
NEW! Box jovi get it?
NEW! King55614 can't tell if these are shields or
NEW! Why do we need a bridge? the streams like 5 inches
NEW! King55614 needs to suck it up and do his work
NEW! Wow, thanks club penguin for not letting me in.
NEW! You keep thinking that King55614
NEW! King55614 loves cookies!
NEW! King55614 caught a fish on club penguin
NEW! These gems must be worth millions!
NEW! Aren't you supposed to be on my french fries?
NEW! King55614 plugged up the fountain
NEW! Umm, have fun painting the whole stage King55614...
NEW! WHAT!? How dose a vending machine not have soda?.
NEW! Wow Club Penguin... you must have failed your driver's test.
NEW! These halftime shows are really getting on my nerves.
NEW! That's a cheap fan, lol
NEW! I wanted coke not
NEW! The ice berg cracking because someone
has farted!
NEW! I cant breath!
NEW! Someone weed!
NEW! Hes doing it
Thanks for looking Edited by King55614 and Gillan