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WARNING! King55614 and Gillans CP Blog is Copyrite!. This means you CANNOT take any pictures without permission! . If you see a picture you like ask for permission then credit my site with a clickable link to it. We will do the same for you

Friday, September 23, 2011

Taking A Break For A While

Hello Everyone!

I am now taking a break from blogging for 4 months. Although I will still be posting but not for a while. Or I might end up quitting. Who knows. Anyway Cya! 


Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Fair 2011 Sneak Peek Video By Happy77

Club Penguin has uploaded a new video to Their YouTube channel. This Video features a sneak peek of the fair 2011. Check it out.
Go to this link for the Bumper Cars Sneak Peek:

I cant wait for the fair 2011. What about you? comment and let me know what you think.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Puffle Launch App Now Available!

This is a message from Billybob:

Hello Penguins! 

I am very excited to tell you that the Puffle Launch app is finally here starting today! I've been playing it a lot and it's really fun. It's also a quick way to earn coins and transfer them to your account. 

The app is currently available on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, but we've seen your comments, and we're working hard to make it available on more devices in the future. 

You can find out more about the app at

Puffle Launch mobileLet us know what you think of it! We can't wait to hear your thoughts and how we could make it better in future updates! 

Until then... Waddle On! 

-Club Penguin Team 
By Billybob on September 14 2011 10:09

Have FUN Everyone that has an ipad and ipod touch.


Fall Fair Preparations 2011

The Construction of the Fall Fair Party 2011 has started and now we all need to work together to get everything built in time. But first I waddle up to the beacon and...
I can see the MIGRATOR! HURRAY!!
What do you think Rockhopper will bring this time? leave a comment and tell me.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Club Penguin September 2011 Better Igloos Catalog Cheats.

Here are the hidden item cheats for the September 2011 Better Igloos Catalog.

To find the Stainless Steel Stove

Step 1. Go to page 1.

Step 2. Click on the menu on the Food Stand
To find the Comfy Crab

Step 1. Go to page 1.

Step 2. Click on the trash inside the Feed Fluffy Trashcan.
To find the Feeding Bucket

Step 1. Go to page 3.

Step 2. Click on the Porthole
To find the Computer Table

Step 1. Go to page 5.

Step 2. Click on the plant on the Boss Desk
To find the Classroom Chair

Step 1. Go to page 6.

Step 2. Click on the 3rd Locker door.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue #306

Today Club Penguin has released the newest Club Penguin Times Issue #306! This Weeks main news is talking about the Island is now safe.
Next we have the news about the Fair costumes released now.
Now here are the upcoming events.


Alot Of Upcoming Furniture

Hello Everyone!

While I was browsing for ID'S I came across  some unreleased furniture. Here's what I've managed to find.

What do you think about this? Comment and tell me what you think.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Club Penguin September 2011 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Here are the new hidden item cheats for the September 2011 Penguin Style Catalog

To find the Blue Duck

Step 1. Go to page 8

Step 2. Click on the blue flag
To find the Green Wheeler

Step 1. Go to page 9

Step 2. Click on top of the mountain
That's all the cheats for now.


Club Penguin App!

This is a message from Billybob:

Hello Penguins!

Over the past few months, we've heard some rumors, and many of you have asked if we're making a mobile app... Guess what?

We're excited to announce that we're just about finished our very FIRST Club Penguin app!

blog_110830.jpgWe can't say too much just yet, but we'll have more info for you in the next few weeks.

So what do you think our first app will be? Let us know your best guess in the comments below!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team 

By Billybob on August 30 2011 03:30

I can't wait until I get an ipad.What about you? comment and tell me what you think.
